Anxiety & Stress Relief with Diaphragmatic Breathing

Anxiety & Stress Relief with Diaphragmatic Breathing
Breathing: You're doing it wrong!
Hypnotist Erick Känd teaches the way you were naturally meant to breathe. Stress relief breathing exercise that utilizes diaphragmatic breathing.

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In this video, you'll learn:
- How most people are breathing wrong, and why?
- How to stop a panic attack with a simple breathing trick.
- How to get more oxygen into your body for massive health benefits.
- A natural stress relief breathing exercise that really works.
- Why activating the diaphragm looks like "belly breathing."
- Diaphragmatic breathing for anxiety that stimulates the body's relaxation response
- Why belly breathing provides relief for chronic neck and shoulder pain.
- The anxiety relief breathing strategy other people forget to tell you about.
- How to make stress relief with diaphragmatic breathing an unconscious habit.

Erick Kand | Youtube