Meditative Exercises 13-16


  1. "Breathing in, I observe the impermanent nature of all dharmas. Breathing out, I observe the impermanent nature of all dharmas."
  2. "Breathing in, I observe the disappearance of desire. Breathing out, I observe the disappearance of desire."
  3. "Breathing in, I observe cessation. Breathing out, I observe cessation."
  4. "Breathing in, I observe letting go. Breathing out, I observe letting go."


Exercise 13: Dharma is what mind holds in its grasp. Everything which our mind can grasp is a dharma. This exercise is meant to make the learner experience how with the practice of breathing in and breathing out with awareness can make us aware of the fact that everything is temporary; everything that can be help or grasped by the mind. Everything graspable by the mind includes everything that exists in the universe. Happiness is temporary, so is sadness. Disease is temporary, so is health as well. Trees are temporary, water is temporary and so is air. All notions are temporary. The whole universe is temporary.

This set of exercises make us aware of the development of mindfulness of objects of the mind (dharmas). When established in the minfulness of the objects of the mind, we live in awareness of the temporary and changing nature of the objects. With this understanding, we free ourselves from the objects of the mind as well. Thus, we let go of everything that enslaves us.

Exercise 14: This exercise is meant to make the learner experience the temporary nature of desire.As we breathe in and breathe out with awareness, we experience the temporariness of desire. Now I desire something, later I will desire something else.

Exercise 15: As breath with awareness goes on, we begin to learn that there is no use of holding on to any desire or any notion because all is temporary. We become unattached and free of all desires or preconceived ideas.

Exercise 16: Finally we let go of everything. We become so detached that we taste total freedom. We then arrive at the doorstep of unlimited possibilities. We are not hindered, hampered or limited by anything with which we identify.