Gautama Buddha researched long and hard in his meditations to devise a method which the common people can use to remove the afflictions they nturally suffer in life . He could notice that mental afflictions of ordinary life some how disappear during a deepeditative session with one pointed focus. Why not have the common people meditate with single minded focus on a topic of their choice? He obviously did not think that a common person is capable of one pointed focus on any subject; he/she being too ocupied with survival problems, wont have a subject of passion strong enough to generate single minded focus. Meditation is simply not for a common Joe off the street.
He learnt from personal experience that breath in ordinary life is shallow and fast, agitated state of mind makes the breath shallower and faster while calm and peaceful mind makes it deeper and faster. He also noticed in his repeated meditative experiences that one pointed focus in meditation changes the breath to be deep and slow. He also noticed that in deep meditation the mind is calm and peaceful without suffering of any kind. Can slow and deep breathing be the answer to alleviate suffereng of the common Joe/Jill?