
Visualize yourself as a breathing mentor!

You do not need to be expert in anything to be a mentor to enable anybody or a group of people develop a habit of breath awareness to enable quality deep breathing instead of ordinary shallow autonomic breathing. Ordinary breathing leads to ordinary and shallow  lives, quality deep breathing leads to quality and deep lives.

By being a breathing mentor, you do a lot of good in your community in the realm of physical health, mental health, learning ability, cognition, connective behaviour, crime prevention and cultivation of belonging, emotional intelligence and compassion. .

Self Development

SHEN Centre for Health and Wellness is focused on a simple technique the regular use of which helps an individual up regulate our neurological control for self development, self management, general health and wellness including physical health, mental health, learning ability, social behaviour and achievement. The technique has the potential of helping us achieve any life goal we set for ourselves, It costs no money, has no side effects and needs no prerecquisites. Anybody can use it. It promises benefits all around.

Upregulating Neurological Control of the Mind-Body: A Conceptual Model

Article presenting conceptual model of how to upregulate control of mind-body.

Harnessing the Iceberg

"Ideas we don't know we have, have us".

Psychologist James Hillman

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